Κύπριοι ένοπλου «ΟΧΙ»

Παρασκευή 31 Οκτωβρίου 2008

Tου Λάζαρου Μαύρου

Π Α Ν Ω ΕΚΕΙ στης Πίνδου μας τις κορφές και στα παγωμένα κακοτράχαλα βουνά της Βορείου Ηπείρου, ανάμεσα στις δοξασμένες μορφές των Ημίθεων του Σαράντα, που με εφ’ όπλου λόγχη και την κραυγή «ΑΕΡΑ», υπερασπίστηκαν της μητέρας Ελλάδας τη λευτεριά κι ολόκληρου του έθνους μας την αξιοπρέπεια, ήσαν παρόντες ΕΘΕΛΟΝΤΕΣ πολεμιστές και Έλληνες Κύπριοι.

Στην Κλεισούρα και στο Τεπελένι, στο Λέκλι-Δόντι, στο Γκόλικο και στην Πέστανη, ώς τον Αυλώνα. Αποκρούοντας και την εαρινή αντεπίθεση των 12 φασιστικών μεραρχιών, με επικεφαλής παρόντα τον ίδιο τον Μουσολίνι. Ήσαν εκεί στον τρίτο και στον ενδέκατο Λόχο του 39ου Συντάγματος Ευζώνων Μεσολογγίου, οι θυσιασθέντες ήρωες Λουκής Λιασίδης και Βαρνάβας Σερίφης από την Αμμόχωστο. Ήσαν εκεί οι μετέπειτα ηρωομάρτυρες Ροδίων και Μιλτιάδης Γεωργιάδης, του Προκόπη από τη Λεμεσό και της Θέκλας από την Κερύνεια, που εξοντώθηκαν, τελικά, το 1944 στις ναζιστικές φυλακές του Βραδεμβούργου.

Ήταν εκεί ο αείμνηστος γυμνασιάρχης Κωνσταντίνος Γιαλλουρίδης από τη Μόρφου. Ο αείμνηστος γιατρός Ξάνθος Χαραλαμπίδης από την Κερύνεια, πατέρας της Τιτίνας Λοϊζίδου. Εκεί κι ο ηρωικός Ανδρέας Αργυρού Δρουσιώτης από τη Λεμεσό, που θυσιάστηκε στην Εθνική Αντίσταση, μαχητής του ΕΛΑΣ, στην Κατερίνη.

Ήσαν εκεί 46 τουλάχιστον οργανωμένα γραμμένοι από την Αθήνα, όπου σπούδαζαν, Κύπριοι εθελοντές πολεμιστές. Κι άλλοι που έσπευσαν κατά μόνας, όπως μπορούσαν: Όπως ο Ευάγγελος Λούη Λουίζος από την Αμμόχωστο, που ναύλωσε ταξί από την Αθήνα για να τον πάει να πολεμήσει στην Ήπειρο. Ήσαν στην Κύπρο και οι χιλιάδες των πατεράδων μας, που γράφτηκαν στους καταλόγους του τοποτηρητή Αρχιεπισκόπου Λεοντίου, αδημονώντας να καταταγούν στον Ελληνικό Στρατό κι ανεμίζοντας τις απαγορευμένες από την αγγλική Παλμεροκρατία, γαλανόλευκες σημαίες του έθνους.

Κι έλεγε ο Κων. Γιαλλουρίδης για τους δύο θυσιασθέντες συμπολεμιστές του, τους Βαρωσιώτες Λιασίδη και Σερίφη: Με βαθιά συγκίνηση θυμάμαι ότι και οι δύο ήταν τελειόφοιτοι της Ιατρικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Και μπορούσαν, σύμφωνα με προτροπή του λοχαγού μας Σαραντίδη, στο Γουδί όπου εκπαιδευόμαστε, να υπηρετήσουν σε στρατιωτικά νοσοκομεία της Γραμμής των πρόσω. Απέρριψαν την πρόταση, με τη δικαιολογία ότι «οι Έλληνες Κύπριοι εθελοντές μια φιλοδοξία έχουν, να προασπίσουν την ελληνική πατρίδα με τ’ όπλο στο χέρι πολεμώντας τον εχθρό της. Αν χρειαστούν οι ιατρικές μας γνώσεις θα τις προσφέρουμε στο πεδίο της τιμής». (Κων. Γιαλλουρίδης: «Το Οδοιπορικό μιας ζωής» εκδ. 2003 σ.16).

Ποιοι, λοιπόν, Εκείνων απόγονοι κρατάνε, άραγε, σήμερα το «άμες γ’ εσόμεθα πολλώ κάρρονες τούτων»;

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Εν Τάχει..

  • Κλιμακώνονται οι επιθέσεις των Κούρδων αυτονομιστών στην γείτονα , οι οποίοι δεν διστάζουν να φέρουν εις πέρας παράτολμες επιθέσεις σε στρατιωτικούς στόχους υψηλής σημασίας όπως το ραντάρ της Τουρκικής πολεμικής Αεροπορίας στην περιοχή της Αντιοχειας (Χατάι).Την ίδια στιγμή σκληρή κριτική δέχεται η ηγεσία των ενόπλων δυνάμεων ιδιαίτερα μετά απο τις ατυχείς δηλώσεις στα ΜΜΕ του "λάτρη του γκόλφ" στρατηγού Αιντογάν Μπαμπάογλου ,αμέσως μετά απο την αιματηρή επίθεση στο φυλάκιο του Ακτουτούν.. " Και τι θέλατε να πάω εγώ να πολεμήσω στο Ακτουτούν ?" φέρεται αν είπε ο Τούρκος πολέμαρχος ,κραδαίνοντας το μπαστούνι του γκόλφ...

  • Στα 66 σέντς κατρακύλησε η τουρκική λίρα ,τιμή πολύ χαμηλότερη απο τα 79 σέντς του περασμένου μήνα..Η εξασθένιση αυτή της συναλλαγματικής ισοτιμίας της τουρκικής λίρας με το δολάριο ,εν μέσω οικονομικής κρίσης ,έστειλε τον πληθωρισμό σε διψήφια νούμερα -στο 11.1%- πολύ υψηλότερα απο τον στόχο του 4% που είχε θέσει το τουρκικό οικονομικό επιτελείο....Πόσα JSF θέλει η THK είπαμε?
  • Ο Αυστραλιανός Οργανισμός Αμυντικού Υλικού (Defence Materiel Organisation) ανέλαβε να εξετάσει την απόδοση του ραντάρ MESA του ιπτάμενου ραντάρ της Βασιλικής Αυστραλιανής Αεροπορίας (ιδίου τύπου με τα τουρκικά) μετά απο προβληματισμό για την απόδοση του συστήματος της Northrop Grumman ,μας πληροφορεί το Janes Defence Weekly (30/10)....

Διαβάστε περισσότερα...

Μέγα Δέρειο : Βίντεο απο τις εκδηλώσεις

Πηγή: http://www.greekalert.com

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Διαμαρτυρία στην Νέα Υόρκη για τους Έλληνες της πΓΔΜ

Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο της Παμμακεδονικής Ενώσεως ΗΠΑ

Με επιτυχία πραγματοποιήθηκε η ενημερωτική εκστρατεία για την παραβίαση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων των Ελλήνων στην πΓΔΜ που διοργάνωσαν ελληνοαμερικανικοί οργανισμοί έξω από το κτίριο της Μόνιμης Αντιπροσωπείας των ΗΠΑ στον ΟΗΕ στο Μανχάτταν της Νέας Υόρκης, την Δευτέρα 27 Οκτωβρίου 2008. Εκπρόσωπος της Αντιπροσωπείας των ΗΠΑ στον Οργανισμό Ηνωμένων Εθνών παρέλαβε το σχετικό ψήφισμα το οποίο και στην συνέχεια μεταβίβασε στον Οργανισμό των Ηνωμένων Εθνών και στο Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών των ΗΠΑ.

Με κύριο σύνθημα «Ντροπή στην πΓΔΜ» και «Δικαιοσύνη Τώρα», οι Ελληνοαμερικανοί, νέοι και νέες στην πλειοψηφία τους καθώς και ηγέτες ομογενειακών οργανώσεων έδωσαν δυναμικό παρόν στην ειρηνική συγκέντρωση με ομιλίες για την ιστορία του Ελληνισμού στην πΓΔΜ ενώ διένεμαν σχετικό ενημερωτικό υλικό.

«Η παραβίαση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων της Ελληνικής κοινότητας στα Σκόπια πρέπει να γίνει γνωστή, ο κόσμος πρέπει να ενημερωθεί και οι διεθνείς φορείς οι οποίοι έχουν τη δυνατότητα να παρέμβουν πρέπει να πληροφορηθούν τι συμβαίνει με τον Ελληνισμό ο οποίος πάντοτε υπήρχε στην περιοχή της Πελαγονίας», δήλωσε η πρόεδρος της Παμμακεδονικής Ένωσης Αμερικής κ. Νίνα Γκατζούλη. Στην συγκέντρωση συμμετείχαν η ηγεσία και μέλη της Παμμακεδονικής Ένωσης Αμερικής, του Κυπριακού Δικτύου Δράσης Αμερικής, του Κέντρου Μακεδονικών Σπουδών, της Ομοσπονδίας Ελληνικών Σωματείων Μείζονος Νέας Υόρκης, της Ομοσπονδίας Ελληνο-Αμερικανών εκπαιδευτικών, του Ελληνο-Αμερικανικού Εθνικού Συμβουλίου, εκπρόσωποι του Δικτύου Νεολαίας Σ.Α.Ε. ΗΠΑ, της Πανηπειρωτικής Ομοσπονδίας, της Έλληνικής Ένωσης Αμερικής, της Αδελφότητας Μάνης, της Πανθρακικής Ένωσης Αμερικής «Ορφέας», της Ελληνικής Κυνηγετικής και Σκοπευτικής Ομοσπονδίας Αμερικής, Ελληνο-Αμερικανοί από την Washington, Seattle, Houston καθώς και Αμερικανοί φιλέλληνες ακτιβιστές.

«Θα συνεχίσουμε με μία σειρά δράσεων που αποβλέπουν στην ενημέρωση των Αμερικανών πολιτικών και του ευρύτερου Αμερικανικού κοινού», βεβαιώνει ο Συντονιστής του Κυπριακού Δικτύου Δράσης Αμερικής και έμπειρος ακτιβιστής Νίκος Τανέρης. «Χρειάζεται να εκπαιδεύσουμε τους ομογενείς σε νέους τρόπους δράσης και να τους καταδείξουμε τη δύναμη που διαθέτουμε ως Αμερικανοί πολίτες».

Η Πρόεδρος της Παμμακεδονικής, κ. Νίνα Γκατζούλη στην ομιλία της κατά τη διάρκεια της εκδηλώσεως τόνισε: «Υπάρχει ένα σπάνιο έγγραφο με ημερομηνία 29 Μαΐου 1878 από αυθεντική επιστολή που γράφτηκε από το ελληνικό προξενείο στο Μοναστήρι (σημερινή Bitola), η οποία φέρει 14.000 υπογραφές από τους Μοναστηριότες Έλληνες οι οποίοι είχαν ταχθεί με το ελληνικό Πατριαρχείο, αρνούμενοι τη Βουλγαρική Εξαρχία. Ο Douglas Daikin ένας πολύ σοβαρός ιστορικός αναφέρει ότι η λεγόμενη Επανάσταση Ilinden του 1903, η οποία ήταν Βουλγάρικη εξέγερση κατά του Σουλτάνου είχε ως αποτέλεσμα τη στροφή των Βουλγάρων και των Τούρκων εναντίον των Ελλήνων του Κρουσόβου. 366 ελληνικά σπίτια και 203 ελληνικά καταστήματα καταστράφηκαν από αυτήν την εξέγερση. Ο στρατηγός εν αποστρατεία Παρμενίωνας Παπαθανασίου στο άρθρο του με τίτλο, Κρούσεβο: Επανάσταση Προφήτη Ηλία-Εθνικά Παραμύθια αναφέρει: Η μικρή αλλά πολύ πλούσια ελληνική πόλη του Κρουσόβου ήταν στη Μητρόπολη Οχρίδας και ήταν κάτω από την αιγίδα του Οικουμενικού Πατριαρχείου. Υπήρχαν πολλά ελληνικά σχολεία μέσης εκπαίδευσης, τέσσερα Δημοτικά Σχολεία και ένα σχολείο θηλέων. Τον δε Ιούνιο του 1994 ο Kiro Gregorov δήλωσε στην Τσεχική εφημερίδα Tseski Denic ότι στη χώρα του υπάρχουν 100.000 Έλληνες».

«Έχουμε συνταγματικό δικαίωμα να προβαίνουμε σε ενημερωτικές εκστρατείες για τα εθνικά μας θέματα» επεσήμανε ο πρόεδρος του Ελληνο-Αμερικανικού Εθνικού Συμβουλίου και της Παγκρητικής Ένωσης Αμερικής Μανώλης Βεληβασάκης. «Είναι σημαντική εξέλιξη η κινητοποίηση των νέων μας».

«Η συγκέντρωση είχε παλμό», είπε η πρώην πρόεδρος της Παμμακεδονικής από το Houston κ. Νίνα Περοπούλου. «Ήταν η πρώτη σχετική κινητοποίηση. Η συμμετοχή της νεολαίας μας ενθαρρύνει να συνεχίσουμε». Η πρόεδρος της Ομοσπονδίας Ελληνοαμερικανών Εκπαιδευτικών, Στέλλα Κοκόλη, στην ομιλία της τόνισε ότι οι ομογενείς εκπαιδευτικοί θέλουν δικαιοσύνη: «H αμερικανική κυβέρνηση απέδειξε τα τελευταία χρόνια ότι δεν εκτιμά την ελληνική Ιστορία και την όλη προσφορά του Ελληνισμού στην ανθρωπότητα. Μας αδικεί με τους Ελληνες των Σκοπίων, με τη βίζα, με το Κυπριακό και με άλλα θέματα».

Ο πρώην πρόεδρος της Παμμακεδονικής, Πάνος Σπηλιάκος, από τη Βοστώνη, δήλωσε ότι «για τους Ελληνες των Σκοπίων, η μητέρα Ελλάδα δεν μιλά καθόλου. Αρχίσαμε λίγοι και η επιμονή θα μας κάνει πολλούς». Ο κ. Σπηλιάκος κάλεσε τους ομογενείς να κάνουν χρήση του ιερού δικαιώματος της ψήφου και στις 4 Νοεμβρίου να δώσουν απάντηση στην Ουάσιγκτον.

Ακολουθεί το κείμενο του ψηφίσματος:

Ψήφισμα προς τις αποστολές των Ηνωμένων Εθνών
  • Απαιτούμε οι πολίτες της πΓΔΜ να μπορούν να είναι ελεύθεροι να δηλώνουν την ελληνική καταγωγή τους στις απογραφές.
  • Απαιτούμε οι πολίτες της πΓΔΜ που υποχρεώθηκαν από ακραία καθεστώτα να αλλάξουν το επώνυμό τους σε Σλαβικά ονόματα να τους επιτραπεί χωρίς περιορισμούς να επιστρέψουν στα αρχικά Ελληνικά τους ονόματα, εάν οι ίδιοι το επιθυμούν.
  • Απαιτούμε την αναγνώριση όλων των ελληνικών μνημείων που βρέθηκαν στην περιοχή της αρχαίας Πελαγονίας και της γειτνιάζουσας περιοχής του Γευγελή (σημερινής νοτίου πΓΔΜ).
  • Απαιτούμε την αναγνώριση όλων των Ελληνικών Ορθοδόξων εκκλησιών στην περιοχή της ευρύτερης Πελαγονίας καί Γευγελή (σημερινής νοτίου πΓΔΜ).
  • Απαιτούμε τον άμεσο τερματισμό των μεθοδεύσεων τροποποιήσης Βυζαντινών Ορθόδοξων μνημείων τα οποία φέρουν Ελληνική Βυζαντινή γραφή, όπως αγιογραφίες.
  • Απαιτούμε όπως όλες οι Ελληνικές Ορθόδοξες εκκλησίες στην περιοχή της αρχαίας Πελαγονίας και Γευγελή (σημερινής νοτίου πΓΔΜ) να μπορούν να λειτουργούν ελεύθερα υπό την κανονική δικαιοδοσία της Μητρός Εκκλησίας.
  • Απαιτούμε όπως οι πολίτες της πΓΔΜ που αυτοπροσδιορίζονται ως ελληνικής καταγωγής να είναι ελεύθεροι να εκκλησιάζονται –επί του παρόντος- στις Ορθόδοξες εκκλησίες, οι οποίες βρίσκονται υπό την κανονική δικαιοδοσία του Σερβικού Πατριαρχείου, και να μην είναι υποχρεωμένοι να είναι μέρος του ποιμνείου της σχισματικής, και μη αναγνωρισμένης από κανένα Πατριαρχείο, αυτό-αποκαλούμενης "Μακεδονικής" Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας.
  • Απαιτούμε την επιστροφή (ή χρηματική αποζημίωση) από την κυβέρνηση της πΓΔΜ προς τους απογόνους των Ελλήνων που ακούσια εγκατέλειψαν τις προγονικές τους κατοικίες, εκκλησίες, και σχολεία κάτω από τραγικές συνθήκες στην περιοχή, καθώς και σε εκείνους των οποίων οι περιουσίες τους κατασχέθηκαν από ακραία καθεστώτα σε μέρη όπως το Μοναστήρι, Γευγελή, Κρούσεβο κλπ.
  • Απαιτούμε τα Ελληνικά νεκροταφεία τα οποία παραμένουν σιωπηλοί μάρτυρες της Ελληνικής παρουσίας και κληρονομιάς στην περιοχή, όπως η σημερινή Μπίτολα (Μοναστήρι), να αναγνωρισθούν και να κυρηχθούν διατηρητέα από την κυβέρνηση της πΓΔΜ ως ιστορικά μνημεία.
  • Ζητάμε η ελληνική γλώσσα να διδάσκεται στα δημόσια σχολεία και να χρηματοδοτείται από την κυβέρνηση της πΓΔΜ σε περιοχές όπου υπάρχει ζήτηση.
  • Απαιτούμε όνομα, εκτός από "Μακεδονική", να εκχωρηθεί για τη Σλαβονική επίσημη γλώσσα των Σκοπίων. Η πΓΔΜ δεν μπορεί να μονοπωλεί τον όρο "Μακεδονική" σε ένα εθνογλωσσικό ή εθνικό πλαίσιο. Ιστορικά και γλωσσικά, η επίσημη Σλαβονική γλώσσα των Σκοπίων (η οποία είναι συναφής με τη Σερβική και Βουλγαρική) είναι σαφώς διαφορετική από τις τοπικές σλαβογενείς ή σλαβοφανείς διαλέκτους - όπου χρησιμοποιούνται ως προφορικά ιδιώματα από δίγλωσσους Έλληνες στις παραμεθώριες περιοχές της Ελληνικής Μακεδονίας.
  • Απαιτούμε από την Ελληνική κυβέρνηση την εκχώρηση διαβατηρίων στους Έλληνες των ιστορικών βορείων περιοχών της Μακεδονίας, την Πελαγονία και Γευγελή (σημερινή νότιο πΓΔΜ), ανεξαρτήτως της μητρικής γλώσσας (δηλαδή, ελληνικής, βλάχικης, τοπικών σλαβογενών/σλαβοφανών διαλέκτων ή της σλαβονικής επίσημης γλώσσας των Σκοπίων).

Διαβάστε περισσότερα...

H καλύτερη παρέλαση της επικράτειας..

Δεν τους βγήκε τελικά εκει πάνω στην Θράκη....Φυσικά μιλάμε για τους εγκάθετους του προξενείου και λοιπούς εγχώριους λακέδες..Σύμφωνα με την πολύ καλή ανάρτηση του http://antiparakmi.blogspot.com την οποία αναδημοσίευσε το greece-salonica οι απειλές και οι τραμπουκισμοί ενάντια στην ηρωική δασκάλα Χαρά Νικολοπούλου απέδωσαν ακριβώς τα αντίθετα απο τα αναμενόμενα αποτελέσματα καθώς η δασκάλα όχι μόνο δεν αποχώρησε απο το χωριό ,αλλά οργάνωσε μια συγκινητική γιορτή την οποία ακολούθησε και η μαθητική παρέλαση

Είναι επίσης χαρακτηριστικό ότι για πρώτη φορά απο το 1971 τελέστηκε δοξολογία στην εκκλησία του χωριού!

Στο χωριό κατα τους εορτασμούς έδωσαν το παρόν αρκέτά δημόσια πρόσωπα καθώς και απλός κόσμος που θέλησε με αυτόν τον τρόπο να συμπαρασταθεί στην Χαρά Νικολοπούλου..και πιο συγκεκριμένα :

  • ο βουλευτής κ. Ηλίας Πολατίδης,εκ μέρους του ελλ/κού κοινοβουλίου
  • ο κ.Στηβ Λάλας (που απελευθερώθηκε πρόσφατα έπειτα από 13 χρόνια φυλάκισης στις ΗΠΑ)
  • ο τέως πρόεδρος του Αρείου Πάγου κ. Βασίλης Κόκκινος
  • στρατιωτικές και αστυνομικές αρχές
  • εκδότες, πολιτευτές, επώνυμοι καθώς και πομάκοι δημοσιογράφοι και
  • εκατοντάδες φίλοι της ηρωικής δασκάλας

Χαράς ευαγγέλια! για τον βουλευτή Ροδόπης του ΠΑΣΟΚ κ.Αχμέτ Χατζηοσμάν ,ο οποίος μάλιστα με μια θρασύτατη επερώτησή του προς τον υπουργό παιδείας κ.Ε.Στυλιανίδη απαιτούσε την απομάκρυνση της Ελληνίδας εκπαιδευτικού.. Δεν πειράζει κ Χατζηοσμάν ,όπως λένε και οι γείτονες

Faydasiz hisimdan , faydali hasim iyidir ...
(καλύτερα χρήσιμος εχθρός παρά άχρηστος συγγενής)

φωτογραφίες απο τις εκδηλώσεις

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Τρίτη 28 Οκτωβρίου 2008

The Greek Submarines in WWII

by Valtrex

RHNS Pipinos-Y8

One of four of the same class submarines ( Argonaphtes/Argonaut, Delphin/Dolphin, Triaena/Trident) transfered on loan by the Royal Navy . All four were built at the Vickers-Armstrong Shipyard. Pipinos' construction was completed on November 1st 1943 and she was the only one of the four that saw any action (7 war patrols). Accepted in England on October 13th 1943 by Lieutenant Commander Rallis RHN she sailed to the Middle East in February 1944 . On August 9th of the same year under Lieutenant Commander Loundras RHN she sunk in Samos island harbour the Italian destroyer Kalafatini and the small freighter Orion a former Greek lighthouse tender, captured by the Germans. Was returned to the British in 1959 .

RHNS Matrozos-Y7

Built in 1936 by Santieri Riuniti Adriatico Shipyards (Monfalcone, Italy). On July 9th 1942 she was seized in the Mediterranean Sea by the British corvette HMS Hyacinth . She was transferred by the British to the Royal Hellenic Navy and the Greek Flag was hoisted on December 5th 1942 under Lieutenant Massouridis RHN . Up to the end of 1944 she accomplished a total of 4 war patrols . In 1945 she was decommissioned.

RHNS Glaphkos-Y6

One of four submarines built in France by Chantier Naval in Blainville between 1927-30 on order of the Greek Government. Same class: Nereus, Proteus and Triton . Accepted on December 1st 1930 by Commander Zagas RHN with second in command Lieutenant Commander Lambrinopoulos RHN . Did not participate in any patrols during the 1940-41 war as she was undergoing major repairs. However she did sail to Alexandria on April 23rd 1941 and from the Middle East carried out two war patrols under Commander Arslanoglou RHN. On these patrols she sunk with her guns on June 21st and 22nd 1941 two 40-ton diesel operated German vessels and on November 10th 1941 the German freighter Norburg (2,392 tons) off Souda bay in Crete. On April 4th 1942 she was attacked by air while being repaired in the port of Malta and sunk. About a month preceding this attack, during another German air attack, Commander Arslanoglou was killed.

RHNS Triton-Y5

One of four submarines built by Chantier de la Loire, Nantes in France between the years 1927-30 by order of the Greek Government. Triton was accepted on March 1st 1930 by Lieutenant Commander Protopapas RHN . During the 1940-41 war she effected 5 war patrols . On January 14th 1941 under Lieutenant Commander Zepos RHN she possibly sunk the Italian submarine Neghelli while on March 23rd 1941 it is established that she sunk the passenger ship Carnia (5,451 tons) 30 nautical miles east of Cape Galo, Brindisi . When Greece was occupied by the Germans she sailed for Alexandria where she arrived on April 23rd 1941 . From the Middle East she completed 7 patrols and a voyage taking in supplies to Malta. She was sunk on November 16th 1942 (under Lieutenant Commander Kontoyiannis RHN ) near the Euboea island after giving a heroic battle with the German patrol boat UJ201 . In total 23 of her crew died and 30 were captured among them her Commanding Officer, while 2 escaped swimming to the shore Chief Petty Officer Maroulas &
Petty Officer Papademetriou .

RHNS Nereus-Y4

She was accepted on March 1st 1930 by Lieutenant Commander Tsirimokos RHN . She participated in sixteen war patrols during WWII under Lieutenant Commander Rotas RHN . On September 24th 1942 under Lieutenant Commander Rallis RHN , she sunk the troopship Fiume (1,500 tons) in the Rhodes island area. On September 25th 1942 , she sunk a large fully loaded Italian sailer as well as on different dates smaller Italian sailers. She was also used for the transport of commando units and other personnel leaving the German occupied Greece. On May 3rd 1947 she was decommissioned.

RHNS Proteus-Y3

She was accepted on August 31st 1929 by Commander Xiros RHN . On December 29th 1940 , while on her third patrol mission under Lieutenant Cdr Hadjiconstantis RHN , she attacked a protected Italian convoy 40 nautical miles east of Brindisi and sunk the troopship Sardegna (11,452 tons). Due to her loss of depth she was detected and rammed by the Italian torpedo boat Antares and sunk with all hands on board.

RHNS Papanikolis-Y2

She was accepted on December 21st 1927 by Commander Vandoros RHN . On the outbreak of the Greek-Italian war and up to the occupation of Greece she accomplished four war patrols under Lieutenant Commander Iatrides RHN during which on December 23rd 1940 she sunk a motor sailer and the following day the troopship Firenze (3,952 tons). With the German occupation of Greece she fled to Alexandria and on November 30th 1942 under Lieutenant Roussen RHN she sunk off the harbour of Calymnia islet, Dodekannese , an 8,000 ton German freighter. She also sunk a number of German and Italian sailers, in fact 'took prisoner' one of them (220 tons). Overall she accomplished from the Middle East nine more war patrols. She returned to Greece after the liberation and was decommissioned in 1945. Papanikolis conning tower was initially preserved at the submarine Naval Base but was later placed and exhibited to this date in front of the Hellenic Maritime Museum.

RHNS Katsonis-Y1

She was accepted on June 8th 1928 by Cdr Arvanitis RHN . Carried on four war patrols during the 1940-41 war under Cdr Athanassios Spanides RHN .
The most heroic figure of the RHN, during WWII, was her last Commanding Officer, Commander Vassilios Laskos RHN .

Commander Vassilios Laskos RHN

On December 31st 1940 she gunned down and sunk the Italian freighter Quindo inside Yugoslav water, creating an international incident. She fled to the Middle East following the German occupation of Greece. On July 2nd 1942, she was damaged while undocking from dry dock and sunk in the harbour of Port Said. After a long overhaul she went on four patrols under Commander Vassilios Laskos RHN and Executive Officer Lieutenant Elias Tsoukalas RHN .
On these patrols she sunk an Italian mine layer on April 2nd near Gythion, Peloponnese , on April 5th 1943 the Spanish merchant ship San Isidro off Kythnos island and on May 29th J943 , the freighter Rigel near the island of Skiathos .

On September 14th 1943 , after a heroic battle against a German submarine chaser, off Skiathos island , Katsonis sunk taking down with her 32 men including her CO. Fifteen men were captured while Executive Officer Lt Tsoukalas RHN and Petty Officers Tsingos & Antoniou managed to reach Skiathos after a 9-hour swim. From Skiathos after an adventurous journey they returned to Egypt, and joined again the submarine flotilla.

The last interview given by Captain Elias Tsoukalas HN (ret.) , in 1995:

-Captain, please tell us a few words about Cdr Laskos

"Laskos was a brave man. Katsonis men literally addored him & carried out his orders blindly. Once, one of his junior officers had a nervous break down & tried to sabotage the ship. Thank God, he didn't succeed in doing so. I placed him under arrest & while I was filling up the papers for court marshal, Laskos came in.
He ordered me not to report the incident & asked me to lead this officer at his quarters. They remained there talking for about one, one and a half hours. What was their conversation about, I never managed to find out. When this officer though, left the captain's quarters, he was ready not only to fight again, but to volunteer for the commandos! Later, during the Katsonis final battle, he was killed next to our beloved Cdr. That kind of influence Laskos exercised on his men."

-Please sir, describe Katsonis final battle

"Well, while we were patroling the Skiathos straights, we received a signal saying that a large German troop transporter was about to reach us. The sub was very old & we couldn't stay submurged for long. So, we had to stay on surface for a long time. This had the result of us being spotted by a German observation station at Trikeri island. Suddenly we spotted over the periscope a large ship coming on us. We thought it was the troop ship. Instead of the transporter though, it was a German Sub chaser (a corvette I think), which started immediately launching depth charges.

As I said, the ship was old & couldn't last submurged for long. Laskos did not hesitate, never crossed his mind the possibility of surrender: "To the surface...Prepare for surface battle" he ordered. Soon, Katsonis was on the surface. The German ship, started firing on us with her guns. A gun shell, cut off the gunner's foot.

Laskos, immediately took his place on the gun. There, uncovered, was trying to give us courage, when suddenly, an enemy shell killed him, granting him a long wished and proud death."

Source: Hellenicnavy.gr

Διαβάστε περισσότερα...

The Battle of Height 731

by Valtrex

In March 1941 , the Italian HQ launched a last & helpless assault to break the Greek resistance on the Albanian front. This offensive known as "Operazione Primavera" (Operation Springtime) was planned to its last detail and was supervised by Mussolini himself who arrived to Albania on March 2. For 17 days, a number of intense attacks were launched on the Greek positions. For 17 days, the attacks were repeled by the Greeks. The strategic importance Height 731, stood at the center of the Italian effort. The Italians made every attempt possible to step on the hill. The Greeks, exceeded all hopes and stopped the enemy.

The Italian plan anticipated an offensive action with a front of 6 km/4 miles, by their entire XIX Corps under General Gastone Gambara

General Gastone Gambara
  • The primary assault was launched by 3 infantry divisions and 2 blacksuit battalions, with 2 more divisions in reserve.
  • The secondary assault was launched by 3 infantry divisions with 2 more in reserve. There were also, 15 independent battalions of Bersaglieri, Alpini and blacksuits at the General's disposal. The Italians aimed at the breaking of the Greek defence line held by the men of the Greek I "Thessaly" Infantry Division, between Trebeshin-Bubeshi, at the area of 731 and Breghu-Rapit

Greek forces were rather prepared to stop the advance of the enemy. The Italian preparations had been known for some time to the B' Corps HQ and counter-preparations had already begun. The orders given to the B' Corps units included the following suggestions:
  1. -To hold the captured territory
  2. -To conduct offensive activities and mostly launch counter-attacks if possible
  3. -To motivate the fighting troops .
At the area where Greek HQ expected the Italian main effort to be launched, these units had been deployed:

  • I "Thessaly" Infantry Division under Major General Vassilios Vrachnos

Major General Vassilios Vrachnos

with 6 frontline battalions and 3 in reserve, divided into 2 sectors with 2 subsectors each:

A' SECTOR (Colonel Georgoulas)->Ketseas' Subsector (3 Battalions of the 5th "Trikala" Rgt), under Lt.Col Themistocles Ketseas

Lt.Col Themistocles Ketseas

II/5 Btn was on 731, under Major Demetrios Kasslas

Major Kasslas (right) on 731

III/5 Btn was on Breghu-Rapit, under Major Chimariotes

Major Chimariotes

I/5 Btn was in reserve (stationed at Spi-kamarate under Major Perrakis).

B' SECTOR (Colonel Papadopoulos)->Katsimetros' Subsector (under Lt.Col Katsimetros), Ioannou's Subsector (under Lt.Col Ioannou). I/51 Btn (under Major Tzanetis) of the 51st "Trikala" Rgt was in reserve.


The order issued by Lt.Col. Ketseas on March 9:
"Hold your positions at all costs. I'm expecting reports, either by liaison or by phone, for the tactical situation to your left, to your right and upfront. Nobody will abandon his position or move to the rear. We shall all die here.
The Battalion CO"

Itallian assault

March 9th:
The Italian attack begins at 06:00 with Mussolini observing the battlefield. Within the next two-three hours, tens of thousands of artillery shells are fired against the Greek positions. 190 planes also bombed the Greek entrenchments. At 08:00, the Italians launch a primary attack on the Ketseas sector and a secondary attack on the Baldoumis & Papadopoulos subsectors.
At 09:00 the main offensive begins against 731 & Breghu-Rapit Heights. Despite the intense Greek artillery fire, Italian troops manage to reach the steep slopes of both heights (II/63 Battalion of the CAGLIARI Division). The Greeks after an initial attempt to stop the Italian attack by firing against them with their rifles and machine guns, they counter-attacked the upcoming Italians with fixed bayonets, under the cover of dense smoke. By late afternoon, the Italians had launched four consecutive attacks, all repulsed by the Greeks. Height 717, ("731's watch-dog" according to major Tzanetis), was finally captured by the Italians, despite a series of Greek atempts to recapture it (attacks organized by Major Tzanetis). A new Italian attack is launched on the heights 1308 (Trebeshin) & 1030 (Qjafe-Luzhit), to no avail. At the same time, a diversionary Italian assault on heights 709 & 710 was also repeled by the Greeks.

March 10th:
The Italians (BARI Division), tried to break the Greek defence line at Trebeshin & Sendeli mountains. Almost simoultaneously they launched three consecutive attacks on 731. The first 2 days, Greek losses accounted for 98 KIA and 357 WIA .

March 11th:
Activity continued all day along the front-line with barrages of artillery fire. In the night, 2 battalions of the 26th Blacksuit Legion advanced through the gorge between the Proi-Math & Qjafe-Luzhit heights, creating a really dangerous situation for the defenders on 731. Their advance, accidentally, was noticed by the Greeks (some Greek fighters later explained that the blacksuits attracted their attention by an accidental rifle or pistol shot), who began firing at them by the neighboring heights (the Italians were caught between two fires). By the morning, both battalions had been completely annihilated: 250 blacksuits were dead, 501 were captured alive (20 officers-3 majors-among them). Italian frontal attacks were launched, to help the blacksuits evade the slaughter, but failed. In this encounter, the men of the Greek III/19 (of the 19th "Serres" Regiment) Battalion under Captain Koutrides, distinguished themselves. This battalion, had been deployed at the entrance of the gorge on the day before, as a reserve unit to the troops fighting on 731. This blacksuit effort, was a "forerunner" of an Italian effort to by-pass 731. This plan, foresaw a speedy conclusion of the battle by sending the 72nd Regiment (PUGLIE Division) and elements of the 26th Blacksuit Legion to infiltrate into the gorge, surrounding 731 and by-passing it.
By the end of March 11th, I Division had 144 men KIA and 492 WIA.

March 12th:
At early dawn, elements of the BARI Division, launched attacks on heights 709, 710, Breghu-Rapit, Qjafe-Luzhit and 731. Ketseas' men repeled the Italians and in some cases, counter-attacked them. In the morning, the Italians concentrated their main effort on 731. They failed again. At Trebeshin (heights 1030-1060) after an initial Italian artillery barrage, the attacking troops reached the steep slopes. The Greeks counter-attacked and a hand-to-hand fight commenced. Men were fighting each other with every weapon possible: Bayonets, pistols, rocks. In the afternoon, B' Corps, sent at the area the entire 19th "Serres" Regiment (Colonel Balis) to relief Ketseas' troops. One battalion from the XVII Division (Major Elephtheriades) was also sent on 731. By the end of the day, I Division had 243 men KIA & 805 WIA.

March 13th:
The Italian effort begins with a heavy artillery barrage. On this day, the Italian attacks were almost entirely concentrated on 731. A series of Italian attacks on the hill, were repeled by the Greeks. In one case, elements of the III/19 Battalion ( 9th Company under 1st Lt Isaac Lavrentides)

Lt Isaac Lavrentides

counter-attacked with fixed bayonets & expeled the advancing Italians.

March 14th:
The Italians launched a new assault on 731. The Greeks under Captain Koutrides & Reservist 2nd Lieutenant Hatzikyriakos counter-attacked with such a fury on the Italians that the Italian troops named this assault "Contrataccato dei Animali" (Counter-attack of the beasts). When the Greek troops runned short of ammunition, they threw away their rifles and attacked the Italians with their bayonets. Shortly, more Italian & Greek units arrived at the scene & the hand-to-hand combat was generalized. Koutrides who was leading the assault, was injured twice but he did not stop giving orders to his troops. Hatzikyriakos was killed in the clash.

March 15th:
On this day, the Italians switched to new methods. They launched a series of night attacks. Yet again, they were forced to withdraw the battlefield.

March 19th:
On this day, the Italians threw in the battle, elements of an elite assault unit of the SIENA Division, the ARDITI D'ITALIA
(Italian STURMTRUPPEN) with the support of 4 tanks. The Greek troops on 731 were caught by surprised and despite the effective fire of the Greek artillery, the first tank accompanied by the Arditi troops, managed to step on 731.

The troops of a Greek small unit under 2nd Lt Mademles, were forced to leave their positions, under the Italian pressure. Shortly later, a platoon from the 10th company under Reservist 2nd Lt Georgios Tzathas

2nd Lt Georgios Tzathas

with grenades & bayonets, supressed the Italians, "buying" time for the Greeks to launch a counter-attack.
The main Greek attack was launched by the 9th Company under Lieutenant Isaac Lavrentides. Greek troops carrying just 20 rounds each, attacked with fury the Italians. Soon, the Greek troops runned short of ammunition & used their bayonets. With incredible vehemence, 2nd Lt Tzathas, climbed on an enemy tank with two soldiers & tried to destroy it by throwing a couple of grenades through the hatch. Two long hours had passed, when Captain Koutrides threw in the battle his remaining units, hitting the Italians with the Mademles' reorganized unit. Again, the bayonet proved to be the lethal weapon in the hands of the Greeks. A fact which shows the fierceness of the Greek attack is that, from the about 300 Italians who originally stepped on 731, just 4 survived. The Greeks on that day lost 150 men.

March 21st:
A group of Italian stretcher bearers escorted by Catholic clergy men, holding a white flag, reached the foothill of 731, seeking for a short cessation of hostilities, to bury their dead. The sight of the battle field exceeded the limits of human imagination: Human limbs scattered everywhere, weapons, rocks, close-cropped trees. The stench caused big problems on both sides: When the breeze was carrying it toward the enemy position, either Italian or Greek, the troops were celebrating.

March 22nd:
The last large scale Italian attack was launched on that day, on Goliko mountain (behind 731) , defended by the Greek II "Athens" Division . The Italians concentrated their effort on height 1615 & on a hill named "Donti" (Tooth). 2,000 artillery shells hit Donti on this morning.
March 25th: Heavy artillery barrages aimed at 731. 2nd Lt Mademles was killed on that day.
March 26h: At sunrise of March 26th, Greeks troops climbed on height 717. When they reached the top, they encountered with no enemy troops. 717 was abandoned by the Italians. The battle was over.
The I Infantry Division during the 17-day battle for 731, had 27 Officers dead, 59 WIA, 531 men KIA, 2,028 WIA. After this battle, I Infantry Division was named "the Iron Division"

731 after the battle

Διαβάστε περισσότερα...

Κalpaki : First Victory against the invader

The battle of Kalpaki-Kalamas river, October 28-November 8, 1940

by Valtrex

The river Kalamas or Thyamis (its ancient Greek name) springs from Mt. Merope of the prefecture of Ioannina, Epirus. Near the village Lithinon it passes under a natural bridge called Theoghefyron , then it crosses the plain of Mazaraki , outside Ioannina and finally empties into the Ionian Sea opposite to Corfu, between the bays of Sayiada and Igoumenitsa.
By October 28, 1940 , Albania has already been conquered by Italy. The Italians since the summer of 1940 have been preparing for the attack on Greece.

Band and cannons under review by Mussolini in preparation for Greek invasion.

On the Greek side, in the Epirotic sector, where Greeks had to face the Italian invasion, Epirotan volunteers under the guidance of Colonel Panayotes Mavroyiannes , an outstanding artillery man, built fortifications along the border to make the Kalpakis' narrow passage impregnable.
The Army HQ sent Major Georgios Grivas to Ioanina (Epirus' capital), to advise the Epirotan army commander (VIII "EPIRUS" Infantry Division) Maj. General Charalambos Katsimitros

about their plans in case of an Italian attack. The orders were:
  1. -Mobilization of the youth of Epirus;
  2. -if attacked, the Epirus army was to withdraw its units for a two fold purpose; part of the army was to occupy Zygos passage near Metsovon and block the eastern advance of the Italians towards Thessaly and the other half of the army was to withdraw east of Arta and block the passages of the Pindus Mountain in order to stop the Italian advance towards Acarnania and capture it;
  3. -any deviation from these orders of the general staff was left to the commanders of the Epirus army, their discretion and judgment.
Maj.Gen. Katsimitros had a hard choice to make, following orders or his own conscience, as Greece's destiny was up to his decision. He decided to follow his instincts and decided to fight at the Kalpaki pass . He foresaw Italy's plans which were to capture loannina, Epirus' capital. To do this, the Italian army had to go through the Kalpaki pass, crossing the Kalamas river. This pass was suitable to be defended with small forces. Katsimitros had just two infantry regiments under his command.
When October 28, 1940 arrived, at 5:30 a.m. , on the left of the border, Colonel Siapence's first Italian contingent is deployed at the left edge of the borderline near Pepeli Village . Near the village Hepiskopi the second contingent of General Giannini is stationed. Near the village Sopini the third contingent of Colonel Trizzio is deployed. Finally on the right edge in Leskovik Area , the fourth contingent of Colonel Solina is stationed .
The Greek front line forces are deployed on their battle positions near the border. From the village Kastaniani at Mourgana until the village Stratsani at Konitsa there are four battalions.

The Italian army attacked the Greek border soldiers who retreated, according to plans to positions along the Kalpaki pass. In less than 24 hours, the Italian army appeared before the Greek line at Kalpaki . The Italians, despite fierce assaults for four days, failed to break the Greek line. On November 2, the fifth day , an Italian infantry battalion managed to climb the Grambala, a steep mountain 1,219/4,000 feet high.
They reached the top and occupied it. This barren mountain to the right of Kalpaki was not fortified and was left unprotected by the Greeks. It was a great chance for the Italians to outflank the entire Greek army, but they could not get additional troops so they could cut off the Greek army's only road of escape to Ioannina and Metsovon.
After a violent bombardment by field artillery and Air Force, the Italian forces started attacking on the Kalamas area.

From the left, the Italians of Colonel Siapence advanced to Haravghi, Stratinista, Kala-Dendra hill . The second contingent of General Giannini advanced following the paths to Argirohori, Stavrodromi, Hani-Delvinaki, Limni hill . The third of Colonel Trizzio had been forwarded to Drimades, Merope, Roupsia, Ano Ravenia . The fourth contingent of Colonel Solina moved on the right edge to Aedonohori and the hill Scopia . Until the night, the Italian FERRARA Division, had achieved its objectives.

Italian Assault

Italian Machine-gunners in Greece

Blackshirts operating a 47mm gun

At four o'clock in the afternoon of Novenber 3rd , the CENTAURO Division entered the battle with about 80 tanks.

  • 131st Centauro Armoured Division (Generale Giovanni Magli)

  1. -31st Armoured Regiment
  2. -5th Bersaglieri Regiment
  3. -14th Motorized Battallion
  4. -22nd Motorcycle Battalllion
  5. -24th Motorized Battallion
  6. -131st Artillery Regiment
  7. -131 other Units (including two Albanian battalions)

They concentrated their attacked on the Kalpaki hills. The tanks were targeted and destroyed by the Greek artillery, also being impeded by anti-tank obstacles. So some of them stopped their movement, some were destroyed and the others withdrew in disturbance.

Italian Advance

This was the first important success for the Greeks, a hope for the final battle. In the night of November 3rd to 4th , the Aghios Athanasios hill was occupied by the Italians, until then held by the Greeks. The unique and incomparable bravery of the Greek forces continued during the next two days too. The general attack of the Italian Forces anticipate for the 4th November, was finally postponed for the next day.

The main burden of the attack was undertaken by the CENTAURO Division, assisted by the FERRARA Division. In the night of 4th to 5th November , the Greek units deployed north to Kalamas withdrew in the South, in order to avoid the enemy tanks. On November 5th at about 10:00 o' clock in the morning a strong enemy attack was launched against the hills Koumata, Palaiokastro and Velas Convent without any result. An attempt to cross Kalamas river near the village Parakalamos by at least 60 enemy tanks failed, while 15 of them were trapped and stuck inside the swampy area. The battle got intensified every day, every hour. The Greeks fought more decisively.

On November 6th , a new attack was launched by the Italians on the sub-sectors of Kalpaki and Vrontismeni without any success due to the strong resistance of the Greek troops. By the morning of November 7th a new bombing began on the whole sector. At about 10:30 o'clock in the morning the enemy attacked on the hills of Assonisi, Psilorachi.

The battle was intensified but the Italians were succesfully pushed back by the Greek forces. Elements of the Italian cavalry rode on the Vrontismenis' hill, but were dispersed by accurate firing of the Greek artillery. By the evening, the north side of Grambala's hill was occupied by the enemy, but soon was recovered by Greek troops. By November 8, 1940 the enemy pressure is limited, as well as the activity of the Air-Force and artillery. The Italian forces started getting defensive deployment. The Greek troops crossed Kalamas river and recovered the Siasti hill and Sossinos Convent . Then they counter attacked the Italians and threw them out at the border line. So the Kalpaki-kalamas battle finished with an absolute triumphant victory for the Greeks. On November 14, the Greek counter-attack commenced. By early January 1941, the Italians are driven off the Greek soil.

"They have chosen to die resisting, rather than to live submitting"
Pericles' Funeral Oration, 431 BC

Διαβάστε περισσότερα...

October 28, 1940 , The Battle of Pindus

by Valtrex


At 2:50 am on Sunday, 28 October 1940, General Ioannis Metaxas, Prime Minister of Greece , was awoken in his Athens home. At the door was the Italian Ambassador, Count Emmanuelle Grazzi, with a written ultimatum to the Greek government demanding that Italian forces be given free passage into Greece from Albania and that they be allowed to garrison certain unspecified "strategic points of Greek territory". Italy claimed that its request for this "temporary" occupation was the result of British attempts to involve more and
more countries in the war. If Greece refused to comply then resistance would be "broken by force of arms".

A reply was demanded by 6.00 am, but Metaxas gave it at once — "Alors c'est la guerre" (well, this means War, in French). At 5.30 am Italian troops crossed the Greek–Albanian border and Greece was at war with Fascist Italy.

The Italian Ultimatum:

"The Italian Government has repeatedly noted how, in the course of the present conflict, the Greek Government assumed & maintained an attidute which was contrary not only with that of formal, peaceful, good neighborly relations between two nations, but also with the precise duties which were incumbent on the Greek Government in view of its status as a neutral country. On various occasions the Italian Government has found it necessary to urge the Greek Government to observe these duties and to protest against their systematic violation, particularly serious since the Greek Government permitted its territorial water, its coasts and its ports to be used by the British fleet in the course of its war operations, aided in supplying the British air forces and permitted organization of a military information service in the Greek archipelago to Italy's damage.
The Greek Government was perfectly aware of these facts which several times formed the basis of diplomatic representations on the part of Italy to which the Greek Government, which should have taken consideration of the grave consequences of its attitude, failed to respond with any measure for the protection of its own neutrality, but, instead, intensified its activities favoring the British armed forces and its cooperaticn with Italy's enemies.
The Italian Government has proof that this co-operation was foreseen by the Greek Government and was regulated by understandings of a mllitary, naval and aeronautical character.
The Italian Government does not refer only to the British guarantee accepted by Greece as a part of the program of action against Italy's security but also to explicit, precise nengagements undertaken by the Greek Government to put at the disposal of powers at war with Italy important strategic positions on Greek territory, including air bases in Thessaly and Macedonia, designed for attack on Albanian territory.
In this connection the Italian Government must remind the Greek Government of the provocative activities carried out against the Albanian nation, together with the terroristic policy it has adopted toward the people of Ciamuria and the persistent efforts to create disorders beyond its frontiers.
For these reasons, also, the Italian Government has acceptedthe necessity, even though futilely, of calling the attention of the Greek Government to the inevitable consequences of its policy toward Italy. This no longer can be tolerated by Italy.
Greek neutrality has been tending continuously toward a mere shadow. Responsibility for this situation lies primarily on the shoulders of Great Britain and its aim to involve ever more countries in war.
But now it is obvious that the policy of the Greek Government has been and is directed toward transforming Greek territory, or, at least permitting Greek territory to be transformed, into a base for war operations against Italy.
This could only lead to armed conflict between Italy and Greece, which the Italian Government has every intention of avoiding.
The Italian Government, therefore, has reached the decision to ask the Greek Government, as a guaranty of Greek neutrality and as a guaranty of Italian security, for permission to occupy with its own armed forces several strategic points in Greek territory for the duration of the presert conflict with Great Britain.
The Italian Government asks the Greek Government not to oppose this occupation and not to obstruct the free passage of the troops carrying it out.
These troops do not come as enemies of the Greek people and the Italian Government does rot in any way intend that the temporary occupation of several strategic points, dictated by special necessities of a purely defensive character, should compromise Greek sovereignty and independence.
The Italian Government asks that the Greek Government give immediate orders to military authoritles that this occupation may take place in a peaceful manner. Wherever the Italian troops may meet resistance this resistance will be broken by armed force, and the Greek Government would have the responsibility for the resulting consequences"

Order of Battle


The Army Group Albania was created under the command of General Ubaldo Soddu

It comprised the 9th Army/Armata (General Mario Vercellino), and the 11th Army/Armata (General Carlo Geloso):

  • 9 ARMATA (General Mario Vercellino)
  • IV Corps
-24th Infantry Division "PINEROLO"

-53rd Infantry Division "AREZZO"

  • XIV Corps
-4th Alpini Division "CUNEO"

-41st Infantry Division "FIRENZE"

  • XVII Corps
-18th Infantry Division "MESSINA"

-32nd Infantry Division "MARCHE"

-38th Infantry Division "PUGLIE"

  • III Corps
-Infantry Division "TARO"

-Infantry Division "FORLI"

-53rd Infantry Division "AREZZO"

-19th Infantry Division "VENEZIA"

-Infantry Division "PINEROLO"

-The "RICAGNO" Brigade

  • XVI Corps
-29th Infantry Division "PIEMONTE"

-49th Infantry Division "PARMA"

-3rd Alpini Division "JULIA"

  • 11 ARMATA (General Carlo Geloso)
-23rd Infantry Division "FERRARA"

-51st Infantry Division "SIENA"

-131st Armored Division "CENTAURO"

-The Cavalry Division:

7th Cavalry Regiment
19th Cavalry Regiment

Opposite the Italian forces, on the Albanian-Greek borderline, these units were deployed:
  • -VIII Infantry Epirotan Division
(Maj. Gen. Charalambos Katsimetros)
It comprised 15 IB, 1 Reckon Platoon, 16 Arty Batteries, HQ/III Inf.Brigade (Col. Demetrios Yiatzes), 39th Evzone Regt.
  • -TSDM (West Macedonia Army Section)
(Lt. Gen. Ioannes Pitsikas)
It comprised 22 IB, 2 Reckon Platoons, 22 Arty Batteries.
  • -The Davakes Detachment
(Col. Constantine Davakes), with 2 IB, 1 Cavalry Troop & 2 Arty Batteries.


At 5:30 am, on October 28, 1940 , according to the Italian plan, the 3rd Alpini Division "JULIA" invaded Greece, towards the Greek town of Metsovon . The Italian objective was to cut off the Greek VIII Infantry Division from the rest of the Greek forces, in order to split the Greek units deployed in Epirus, W. Macedonia & Thessaly. The Pindus Sector (i.e. the central sector of the front) was vital for the Greek defence. The Pindus Mountain range, extending across Greece (150 Km/93 miles), contains high, steep peaks, dissected by many deep canyons and other karstic landscapes.

The only Greek force deployed in the region, was the Pindus or Davakes' Detachment , named after its CO, Colonel Constantine Davakes

It comprised two out of the three Infantry Battalions of the 51st Infantry Regiment (I/51 IB, II/51 IB). The III/51 Battalion was moving to the front when the Italians invaded. The Detachment comprised also a mountain artillery battery (75 mm), a field artillery battery (65 mm) & a Cavalry troop. Its total force was 2,000 men. The Deachment's objectives were:
  1. -To secure its sector according to the Greek defence plan (code name: IBa plan).
  2. -To play the role of the liaison between the VIII Division & the TSDM (W. Macedonia Army Section).
  3. -To block the Pindus mountain paths that lead from E to W.
The DD had to cover an area of around 37 Km/23 miles .
To fullfill its mission, Davakes divided its front into 3 sectors:
  • -Left sector (one Infantry Battalion).
  • -Central sector (one IB).
  • -Right sector (one Infantry Coy, two MG Platoons, one Reckon Team, one Field Arty Battery, one Platoon out of the IX Division).

The Italians launched their assault at 5:30 am. The Alpini troops, attacked the three DD sectors, following five major directions, with platoon or company strength. This assault took place under heavy rain.
Against the right sector, the Alpini attacked with two companies, without any artillery support. Due to the fierce Greek resistance, this attack failed. During the night of October 28-29, the sector's Greek CO, organized a commando operation against the Italian troops stationed at the village of Grammos, which resulted to the capture of 11 Alpini troops & one Officer.
At the central sector, the situation was more dangerous. The Itallians advanced against the Greek entrenchments with the main force of the Division, with the support of Artillery guns & mortars. The Greeks fought obstinate; however at noon, they were forced to withdraw further to the S.

At the left sector, the Italians attacked with a force of two battalions. Despite their courageous efforts, they failed to overcome the Greeks covering this area.
During the first night (October 28th), though, the Italians managed to establish a bridgehead at the village of Kastaniani . The Greek HQ was worried about the new situation & ordered the I Infantry "THESSALY" Division (Maj. Gen. Vassilios Vrachnos) to move immediately with a 24-hour limit to the area. It also issued an order for the immediate strenghtening of the DD.
In the morning of October 29 , the Italians continued their attacks.
At the central sector, they managed after heavy fighting to capture the Muka top. The Greeks counter-attacked (with the III/51 Batallion that had just arrived to the area) & recaptured the top. Yet, within a few hours, the Greek defence line (central sector) was shaking. Davakes ordered immediately his troops to withdaw their forces to the second line of defence (Kato Arena-Gusteritsa).
At the left sector, in the evening of the same day, the Italians succeded in creating a gap between the defence forces (they surrounded an entire company). Davakes ordered his men to regroup towards Kerasovo .
During the night of October 29th , the Italians succeded in creating a gap at the central sector, they moved their forces towards the Greek VIII Division & they were threatening Metsovon .
In the morning of October 30th , Davakes decided to withdraw its entire force towards the Samarina-Koutsouro-Tsouka line. At 16:00 , elements of the I Infantry Division arrived at the area & its CO Maj. Gen. Vrachnos, took over the command

Maj.Gen. Vassilios Vrachnos (center) & his staff at Heptachorion, upon his arrival at the front, October 30, 1940

The front remained on stability until November 14th, when the Greek Counter-Offensive began. On November 14th, the total number of the Greeks mobilized, was 420,000 men.

Greek Cavalry man, 1940. He's armed with the Manlicher-Carcano M1938 Carbine & the M1887 Cavalry Sabre

Διαβάστε περισσότερα...
“Κι αν είναι κ’ έρθουνε χρόνια δίσεχτα, πέσουν καιροί οργισμένοι, κι όσα πουλιά μισέψουνε σκιασμένα, κι όσα δέντρα, για τίποτ’ άλλο δε φελάν παρά για μετερίζια, μη φοβηθείς το χαλασμό.

Φωτιά! Τσεκούρι! Τράβα!, ξεσπέρμεψέ το, χέρσωσε το περιβόλι, κόφτο, και χτίσε κάστρο απάνω του και ταμπουρώσου μέσα, για πάλεμα, για μάτωμα, για την καινούργια γέννα, π’ όλο την περιμένουμε κι όλο κινάει για νάρθει, κι’ όλο συντρίμμι χάνεται στο γύρισμα των κύκλων!..

Φτάνει μια ιδέα να στο πει, μια ιδέα να στο προστάξει,κορώνα ιδέα , ιδέα σπαθί, που θα είναι απάνου απ’ όλα!"

Κωστής Παλαμάς
«Όσοι το χάλκεον χέρι βαρύ του φόβου αισθάνονται,ζυγόν δουλείας ας έχωσι·

θέλει αρετήν και τόλμην η ελευθερία»

«Τι θα πει ραγιάς; Ραγιάς είναι εκείνος που τρέμει από τον φόβο τον Τούρκο, που είναι σκλάβος του φόβου του, που θέλει να ζήσει όπως και να είναι. Που κάνει τον ψόφιο κοριό για να μην τον πατήσει κάποιος. Την ραγιαδοσύνη του την ονομάζει αναγκαία φρονιμάδα».

Ίωνας Δραγούμης

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