Another Turkish media blunder, or should we say a carefully executed PsyOp?

Κυριακή 19 Ιουλίου 2009

In Greek

It is really interesting that only a few days after the Turkish media was throwing mud to all the Greek media in general (for the mistake of the Greek newspaper To Vima regarding the visit of the Turkish PM Mr. Erdogan that was cancelled at the last minute) we see them fall into a worse trap than the one they were making fun of. In a vain attempt to discredit the Greek media in general, vis a vis their "freedom of expression", (Article 301 excluded of course) we read fabricated stories regarding the alleged removing of the signs in the Nea Moni Monastery on the Greek island of Chios, were thousands of Greek women an children were slaughtered by the Ottomans in 1822. Was it wishful thinking on the part of the "reporter" or maybe a direct order from a Turkish State service? The proof is the photographs we show you on this post.

The New Monastery of Chios, a place of sacrifice and atrocity.

The story began in November 2007 when the Turkish Consul in the Greek island of Rhodes, visited the Greek island of Chios and specifically the New Monastery, St Minas and Anavatos. Especially in the New Monastery he was rather "moved".. when he faced the bones of those women and children slaughtered by his Ottoman forefathers during the Slaughter of Chios (1822-) and having no shame at all, as the one the Germans showed post WW2 for example, asked to visit the Prefect of Chios and instead of apologizing for the crime against humanity his ancestors committed, asked for the signs that informed the visitors that these bones were the result of Ottoman genocide, to be removed and for the bones and skulls to be hidden from the public! More than 3500 women and children and 600 monks were slaughtered in cold blood by his Excellency’s ancestors.

Part of the skulls shows clearly the death blows from the Ottoman swords, and the sign the visitors see.

The Prefect denied politely and explained to his Excellency that history cannot be changed and that the visitors should be correctly informed about the Ottoman genocide of 1822.

The story came back to the headlines on 18th June 2009 when the Turkish online newspaper “Time Turk published an article trying to show that this was a show of good will from the Greek side to accept the Turkish protest and hidden “anger”, in which we read:
«In the New Monastery in Chios, there are 2 rooms in which human skulls and bones are exhibited, with signs 'Works of Ottomans' and 'Slaughtered by Ottomans' which were replaced after removing the relevant words, leaving both sides satisfied»
trying to show that this was a show of good will from the Greek side, after the Turkish side showed "determination."

The fabricated article in question

The truth is that such a sacrilegious act never took place at the monastery, and the so called "removal of the signs" that was reported by the Turkish "journalist", can be found only in his imagination. The whole truth is that the majority of the victim’s skulls and bones were transferred to a nearby church (see photo) but many of the Greek martyrs' bones remain in the museum with explanatory signs that mention who committed this genocide: the Ottoman Turks. All the photographs you see were taken on July 17 2009 from a friend of this blog and prove beyond any doubt the "credibility" of the Turkish "journalist" and serve as an example.

Lest we forget the genocide of 1822.

The main number of the martyr’s bones is kept in a nearby church and are visible thru a small porthole.

The revolutionary flag of Psara is present everywhere

3 σχόλια:

Ανώνυμος 19 Ιουλίου 2009 στις 3:57:00 μ.μ. EEST  

Εμένα μου φαίνεται σαν μαζική αυτοκτονία των δύστυχων Χίων προκειμένου να ξεφύγουν απο τη μιζέρια της οικονομικής κρίσης που τους μάστιζε. Οι Τούρκοι απλά έτυχε να περνούν από έξω και η Ιστορία κακώς τους κατέγραψε ώς σφαγείς. Είναι η ίδια ακριβώς σύμπτωση με το μοναστήρι του Αγίου Μηνά, την "σφαγή" στο κάβο Μελανιός και φυσικά αυτή των Ψαρών 2 χρόνια αργότερα. (Η κρίση βλέπετε άργησε κάπως να φτάσει στο απομονωμένο νησί του Αιγαίου - πράγμα που συμβαίνει ακόμη και σήμερα) 20 Ιουλίου 2009 στις 11:12:00 π.μ. EEST  

kai ta spa8ia pou fenonte karfomena sta kefalia?

apo aftoktonia ine?

na min leme blakies, i se kai esi tourkos?

Ανώνυμος 20 Ιουλίου 2009 στις 1:02:00 μ.μ. EEST  

Ο φίλος ανώνυμος καυτηρίαζε τις αδιαμφισβήτητες σφαγές των δύστυχων Χιωτών από τους Οθωμανούς με ξεκάθαρη ειρωνική διάθεση φίλε EpsilonGeorge.

Μην κάνουμε το λάθος να φαγωνόμαστε μεταξύ μας για σφαγές των Τούρκων.

Και όσο για την διπλωματική τους επιτυχία για αφαίρεση των πινακίδων, είναι άλλο ένα τέχνασμα της Τουρκικής Προπαγάνδας για εσωτερική κατανάλωση.

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Φωτιά! Τσεκούρι! Τράβα!, ξεσπέρμεψέ το, χέρσωσε το περιβόλι, κόφτο, και χτίσε κάστρο απάνω του και ταμπουρώσου μέσα, για πάλεμα, για μάτωμα, για την καινούργια γέννα, π’ όλο την περιμένουμε κι όλο κινάει για νάρθει, κι’ όλο συντρίμμι χάνεται στο γύρισμα των κύκλων!..

Φτάνει μια ιδέα να στο πει, μια ιδέα να στο προστάξει,κορώνα ιδέα , ιδέα σπαθί, που θα είναι απάνου απ’ όλα!"

Κωστής Παλαμάς
«Όσοι το χάλκεον χέρι βαρύ του φόβου αισθάνονται,ζυγόν δουλείας ας έχωσι·

θέλει αρετήν και τόλμην η ελευθερία»

«Τι θα πει ραγιάς; Ραγιάς είναι εκείνος που τρέμει από τον φόβο τον Τούρκο, που είναι σκλάβος του φόβου του, που θέλει να ζήσει όπως και να είναι. Που κάνει τον ψόφιο κοριό για να μην τον πατήσει κάποιος. Την ραγιαδοσύνη του την ονομάζει αναγκαία φρονιμάδα».

Ίωνας Δραγούμης

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